Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Brave New Role

Lupin, like the chair


To see a new face, with eyes that shine so bright,
To feel your heart leap, your soul take flight,
‘Tis a gift of life, a beauty oh, so divine,
That makes you feel as though the stars once again align.

Yet in that moment, as you take it all in,
The fear creeps up, like a serpent’s hiss, so thin,
Will this person feel the same way, and take me in?
Or will their heart remain distant, and leave me a spin?

Fear can be as sharp as a sword, a double edge at that,
Leaving us feeling helpless and ignored, like a rat cornered by a cat,
But take heart, dear friend, don’t be deplored,
Trust the agony of life, and the path it has restored.

For if we never risk to ask and see,
Fear of rejection will always impede,
Oh, the possibilities, none can foresee,
A new love blooming like the flowers of the lea.

So let not fear consume us whole,
Let us take that leap, that brave new role,
And may the stars align just as we unfold,
With a love that blossoms within our soul.

